
Showing posts from April, 2017

Day 6

DAY 6 LAST DAY  Today in the morning I helped with the turning on of the projectors, I was told that it was the projection cleaning day on the rota. So for half the day I helped clean projection this involved -Flattening and recycling boxes, -Taking out bins -Dusting -Sweeping -Also cleaning the projectors with cleaning clothes and dust spray. Surprisingly time flied as we cleaned the projection rooms. After this we got a drink from Costa then sat up stairs. I helped the managers with organizing the paper work. I would place documents into files and looked for missing documents to complete the files. After i had a talk to the manager recapping on what I had learned at my time there. Nearing the end of my shift i went around saying buy to the team members that I had spoken to days prior then exchanged numbers to keep in contact as some were aspiring actor/ screenwriters. Then I said my good byes to the management.. I feel that by working here I have ...

Day 5

Day 5 Today was projection check day. The projectors has to be checked in and out. i was told this was done regularly to ensure nothing was broken or breaking.  there were a a few light bulbs in the room that needed to be changed so I helped change the light bulb. we also changed one from the projector aswell as it was old and wasn't bright enough anymore. I helped the manager do a peak test to check the full brightness of the new light bulb new light bulb box  for the rest of the day i was in the office looking at the Odeon insight page for more information on the latest sales and promotion, i then just spent the rest on my time practicing making the playlists. and helping by ushering guest to their seats when it was busy.

Day 4

Day 4 Today I helped with the morning tasks again, I was very cautious as I didn't want to make a mistake or break anything. Luke gave me very clear instructions on what I should do first, having a hands on experience really helped me feel like I was actually helping.  There was a 3D version of films and I was shown how to turn 2D films into 3D but first. surprising it was straight forward.  View of screen from Projection  Later on I helped change some old posters around the cinema, we changed old posters to new ones showing new films releases  of  the films that are coming out soon. they had a poster storage room full of posters from new to old. The manger Shane is in charge of keeping the room clean and organised he mentioned that the cinema hosts were allowed to buy the film posters for a pound. As they wanted to raise money for charity. Changing films to 3D to scope and flare  The cinema was really dead as it was a week ...


Day 3  In the morning I was shown the daily opening routine e.g taking projectors out of stand by, powering up the sound, monitoring, checking the XL /Z screens are in place, making sure the correct formats have been picked e.g.  2D scope , 2D flat, 3D scope, 3D flat, Dvi A, DVi, B this seemed very interesting to me as It was the first time being in projection room. It was cold and a little dark reminded me of a horror film. I was then shown how to work the projectors, the systems connected, how playlist generating through the system, It seemed very cool how every thing linked together  After being shown this I was giving a projection hand book to read. This was very insightful. but very long.  Projection online book I got through half of reading until the group invited me to have lunch with then and I thought that was very nice to involve me. During lunch we spoke about the different kind of screening they do for kids, new mums and the elderly. Th...

Day 2

Day two This morning a few packages came addressed to the cinema, they were kinda big like the size of a shoe box, we opened it and inside there was 2 USBs with trailers  and a hard drive With guardians of the galaxy vol 2. i was excited as the first one was one of my favorite films  Hard Drive with New film  I was taken to projection and shown how to import the hard drive film onto the system, also how to but the trailers on. Surprisingly it was all straight forward and easy to understand I was told that when it finished importing it would be ready for us to put it on the playlist for the film line up. After learning this a man came to pick up a hard drive of one of the old films. I was later told that the hard drive gets reused by film company's as the hard drives are high in memory as it helps keep the film secured from anyone keeping the film. However, we keep the USBs as they ain't as import as films and can be easily deleted. I then went to go...

Work Experience Day 1

Dayyyy One Today I met the odeon management team and team members, they all seem really nice and friendly. They all explained to me their job roles and their duties. The manager gave me a tour of the building, I was shown all the rooms that I was allowed to enter and the fire exits. I was also informed about the local food shops in the areas and so on. One of my first duties was to read their health and safety manual. After spending time reading and asking questions to management team out the stages of their fire alarm system. I was finally told the task I would be involved in for the week.. Tasks-  -Helping out with projection -Helping out with checks  -Cleaning tasks  -Do training courses   I was told that most of my training would be to learn on the job  (Creating playlists), A plan of the movies for the week  later on in the day I was shown how to monitoring console. i was shown the basics of how to the console on manual lettin...