Day 2

Day two

This morning a few packages came addressed to the cinema, they were kinda big like the size of a shoe box, we opened it and inside there was 2 USBs with trailers  and a hard drive With guardians of the galaxy vol 2. i was excited as the first one was one of my favorite films 

Hard Drive with New film 

I was taken to projection and shown how to import the hard drive film onto the system, also how to but the trailers on. Surprisingly it was all straight forward and easy to understand I was told that when it finished importing it would be ready for us to put it on the playlist for the film line up.

After learning this a man came to pick up a hard drive of one of the old films. I was later told that the hard drive gets reused by film company's as the hard drives are high in memory as it helps keep the film secured from anyone keeping the film. However, we keep the USBs as they ain't as import as films and can be easily deleted.

I then went to go meet the cinema hosts I spoke to them about there job role and how they feel when working there. Most of the people that work there Are very young this showed me that a job at a cinema is commonly for people with an interest for film as there were aspiring actors, director and screen writers.
USB holding trailers 
the rest of the day i spend doing jobs for the manager and playing around with the film line up
